Otto Bremer Trust or the 2019 Community Asset Building Grant award of $50,000

Feb 16, 2019

Leech Lake Financial Services would like to thank Otto Bremer Trust for the 2019 Community Asset Building Grant award of $50,000. This grant has supported many of our programs and services in the Leech Lake Reservation Community, such as our Small Business Loan Program, Business 101, Business Blueprint and LLFS’s operating funds. We are grateful for Otto Bremer Trust’s continued support in our mission to strengthen, empower, and heal our community through financial services and education. Chi-Miigwech.

The Otto Bremer Trust, based in St. Paul, Minn., is a private charitable trust established in 1944 by founder Otto Bremer, a successful banker and community business leader. OST owns 92 percent of Bremer Bank and also manages a diversified investment portfolio. The mission of OST is to invest in people, places and opportunities in the Upper Midwest. Since its inception, OST has invested more than $700 million in organizations throughout Minnesota, North Dakota, and western Wisconsin.


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